Pride Month 2023: how a company can defend the fundamental rights of equity and gender equality

While Pride Parades are taking place across the continents, several countries continue to suppress LGBTQIA+ rights.

We believe that the workplace has a crucial role to play in raising awareness among individuals about important topics that have a huge impact on our society.

That’s why, at Jobrapido, a few months ago we introduced a new Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy. It’s aimed at highlighting the importance of these issues, while reinforcing our commitment to guaranteeing fundamental rights in the workplace, including respect and value for gender equity and sexual orientation.

How does Jobrapido defend LGBTQIA+ rights?

Our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion policy clearly states what we stand for: a strong, constant commitment to defending rights and values.

“Diversity is a value that fuels creativity, innovation, productivity, and the generation of ideas, thereby improving the work climate and favouring a heterogeneous cultural environment. It must therefore be safeguarded and protected in all its forms, including gender, age, abilities, culture, gender identity and emotional/sexual orientation.”

“Jobrapido promotes the creation of inclusive environments where everyone feels respected and appreciated, regardless of their gender identity and/or expression or emotional/sexual orientation, by rejecting and undertaking to eliminate any form of discrimination.”

As a company, we hope that these statements can be inspiring and supportive for companies and individuals who want to stand for human rights, to create an equal world for all.

Why is June “Pride” month?

Some historical background to understand the origins of Pride parades

The first demonstration took place in Chicago on 28 June 1970, where the Chicago Gay Liberation Front organised a parade exactly one year after the Stonewall riots. For it was on 28/6/1969 that the first clashes took place between the gay community and the police who raided one of the first gay bars: the Stonewall Inn in New York City. This was reported as the first overt act of homophobia.

The Stonewall events soon made their way across the United States to California, where in 1970 the police granted permission to demonstrate. After that, the marches spread across the United States and around the world.

Milano Pride 2023 and other parades around the world over the coming months: ‘The Rainbow that crosses cities’


Milan: Milano Pride



New York:

Mexico City:

Brazil (San Paolo – Copacabana):





Why we need to stay focused and committed to LGBTQIA+ issues

Currently, Pride Parades are taking place across the continents. However, there are still many countries that struggle to recognize the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community, and some nations have even introduced legislation known as a “kill the gays bill”.

So, although progress has been made all over the world, much remains to be done.

At Jobrapido, we believe in the importance of diversity and inclusion and the benefits of having a diverse workforce and an inclusive workplace.

We also believe that the workplace is a great place to raise awareness about the need to stand up for human rights and take personal action to protect diversity and promote inclusion. That’s why we continue to constantly strive for the rights we consider fundamental, for people’s lives and for companies.