A mentor and a mentee can build a strong and beneficial relationship

How mentoring can improve the productivity of employees in the workplace

A mentor and a mentee can build a strong and beneficial relationship

William Arthur Ward said that “the mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires”. Having a mentor in the workplace is somewhat like having a reliable teacher that will wisely guide you during your professional career. The benefits of mentoring are numerous and highly positive for every employee: productivity enhancement, agile transfer of skills and knowledge, better development on the long term, higher quality of delivery and execution of the projects. In this case, both the mentor and the mentee will benefit from this collaborative exchange, thanks to a higher sense of achievement and recognition.

A good mentor will develop a fantastic mentee 

If you are fortunate enough you will have a good mentor that will share with you a lot of experience and expertise. You will follow his or her footsteps in a certain way. Having a strong guidance will allow you to better understand your goals, the company culture and possible evolution within the network. A good mentor will actively involve you in most of the strategic activities that are crucial for your growth. Try to absorb and learn as much as possible, especially if you have a generous mentor.

A rewarding and win-win professional relationship 

According to Forbes, there are three areas of mentoring: “1. Peer mentors – often the best approach for a new employee, this is someone to introduce a mentee to organizational culture and show them the ropes. 2. Career mentors – where the mentor also serves as a coach, and as a kind of internal advocate who helps the mentee meet their professional goals. 3. Life mentor – a sounding board who can help us integrate our professional development with our larger life journey.” In all three cases there is always a mutual benefit where both parties can create a highly productive and rewarding path. Remember that it’s not just you as a mentee that is slowly developing, your mentor as well is undergoing a sort of evolution. In this way the general company culture will improve at a fast rate, because of the positive and collaborative atmosphere.

Less stress-related issues and better productivity 

Having a good mentor can reduce anxiety and stress, especially during the performance of complex tasks. Mentees become more relaxed and productive, because they feel safe and free to make mistakes and learn from them. With time you will become a pro in managing your emotions and the level of stress.

A mentor can be the key to your success

“A mentor can help you see the bigger picture, can make you understand that a single mistake isn’t going to cost you your career and can help you improve what you do in the workplace so those mistakes become fewer and fewer”, according to Chron.com.  If you can establish a trustworthy relationship with your mentor, he or she will become the key to your best professional achievements.

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